Houston Teacher Stars in TV Special on TLC
The Sunnyside area of Houston is considered the ‘hood’ by pretty much any modern definition. Once ranked the sixth most dangerous community in the nation due to the high rate of violent crime, it’s hardly a place you’d think to look for little girls in sparkling leotards — but that’s exactly what you’ll find thanks to Crystal Evans, coach and founder of the Dazzling Divas baton twirling team. And on Nov. 9, the whole nation will be introduced to Crystal and her team, who are the stars of the new one-hour TV special Twirl Life, airing on the TLC network at 10/9c.
Why twirling? Crystal grew up in the sport, and it helped her earn a scholarship to college. Her goal in creating the team was to expose girls in Sunnyside and other areas in Houston to twirling and the many opportunities the sport can bring to their lives. Crystal’s efforts have paid off. The Dazzling Divas have won several local and regional competitions, and the team became the first all-African American team to win at the state championship in 2015 in their division.
That accomplishment is even more impressive considering the fact that twirling is expensive, and most of the girls on the team come from families that don’t have the extra cash to spend on sparkly outfits, special shoes, batons, hair, makeup, travel and competition fees. Crystal has funded a lot of the activities herself, and the team has received some support from the Houston community through fundraisers and in-kind donations.
For many of the girls, the trips to competitions have been their first time outside of Houston, giving them great exposure to parts beyond their neighborhood, which is exactly what Crystal envisioned.
“It’s all about the girls. They are so amazing and inspiring, and I just know America is going to love them on this show. I hope everyone tunes in.”
The Dazzling Divas are making history in twirling, and it’s all being captured on Twirl Life, airing Nov. 9 at 10/9c on the TLC network.